At the end of September, still warm and with the sense of the summer, yet knowing that autumn is on its way, the grapes are ready to be harvested, the new wine can be tasted and it is another occasion to celebrate la dolce vita. Parades, music, dance, food and wine invites you to join in. In Panicale they do know how to party l
Tulip Festival - Castiglione del Lago
International Kite Festival - Castiglione del Lago
Easter processions in various towns
Cheese rolling on Easter Monday - Panicale
La Corsa dei Ceri - Gubbio
Wine Festival - Spoleto
Mille Miglia - oldtimer car ralley crossing Tuscany and Umbria
Flower Ornament Festival "Infiorata" on 3rd weekend in various towns of the area
Oldtimer car exibhition and ralley - Sarteano
"Festival dei due mondi" (arts festival) - Spoleto
Umbria Jazz Festival - Perugia
Trasimeno Blues Festival in various towns
Palio of the Boats - Passigiano
Tuscan Sun Festival - Cortona
Palio di Siena
Palio di Sarteano
Palio di Terzieri - Città della Pieve
Wine Festivals in various towns
Choclate Fair - Perugia
Festa della Castagna - Panicale
Festa dell'Olio - Panicale
Umbria Jazz Festival - Orvieto
Soul Festival - Castiglione del Lago
Fiaccole della Notte di Natale, festival of big street fires on Christmas Eve - Abbadia di San Salvatore
New Year's Eve fires and music on piazzas in various towns of our area